Thursday, 29 November 2012

Yesterday- Part 2

Spend today's reading class reading the Twitter Fiction of both your classmates and the authors sponsored by Twitter. At the end of the class, come back to this post and add a comment below:

-Who did you read? What did you like about their writing?
-Who would you reccomend to your classmates to read? Why?


Unknown said...

I read some of Jordan Dykers tweets, they have great use of imagrey so I would reccomend everyone to look at some of her tweets!

Unknown said...

I'm reading the tweets of a guy named Fabrice Colin. He tweets in French, so you're out of luck if you don't read French. I like reading it because it tells the story of five characters, I'm not too far into, but I'm really excited to know how they all connect.

In the class, I would recommend Jasmine Villanueva. She is an awesome writer, a lot of really touching, and powerful stories.

Lane said...

I read a story by FATHOMBUTTERFLY, it was a memoir of her life and i found it really interesting and one of the only stories i liked.

In class I thought Taylor had really good tweets. They were interesting and kept me in the story.

Unknown said...

I'm reading two authors works. First Alina Simone who told a powerful story of a man named Joe. I recommend her work because she really goes into the depths of his subconcious. I truly got into his character. Fabrice Colin is also good, though as Tay said, if french isnt a language you know, your out of luck. I havent finished his work yet.

In class, I'd recommend Taylor Peristy. His story is such an expressive work of art and you can feel his emotions pouring through the story. I truly loved reading it.

Unknown said...

I read the girl who falls in love with the sasquatch by two professional writers. I really like it so far, its fun and easy to follow I look forward to reading more! I read some of Sarah Kennedy's tweets, they are really interesting and well thought out, everyone should check them out!

Unknown said...

I'm reading Elliot Holt's mystery story and I like how she gives 3 peoples perspective of the murder and party.

I am really enjoying reading Sarah's stories, they are really real and I enjoy them.

Miranda said...

My favorite twitter fiction in the class is Jordan Dykers . The way her words flow in the tweets is so smooth. The comparison to other objects is visible to me.
I have not had a chance to read any other Famous twitter fictions.

Christie Balanduk said...

I read the story written by @elliottholt. It's a really cool mystery so give it a shot and make your own predictions!

Jasmine Villanueva said...

To be honest, I've been reading a bunch of different tweets. Some caught my attention and some didn't but I really liked the tweets from the lady doing the 100 Greek stories in 100 tweets. I'd definitely recommend her if you're into mythology

However, In class I really enjoyed Christie Balanduks tweets. She's writing a long extended story that is definitely worth reading.

Nicholas Levasseur said...

Today I read Elliot Holt's murder/suicide mystery. I really like how the story was told through 3 peoples tweets throughout the night. However, I don't really think there was enough information to conclude a murderer. If I had to guess it was the chef.... his name appears a couple times in the story, and I have a feeling he may have pushed her off the edge. I hope the author tells us the truth, but I sort of liked the open ending. I recommend everyone else to read this, and to come up with their own verdict.

Unknown said...

I finished up reading Jordan Dyker's vss. I really enjoyed how some of them are poetic, and are filled with descriptive language. After that, I decided to go explore the twitter account @elliotholt. I read the entire story of the crime, as well as the accounts with evidence. I can't believe that she went as far as to make 3 extra twitter accounts for different characters in the story! It was very interesting to follow, and I'm curious to see he final verdict. (I definitely recommend reading her work.)

Unknown said...

So far I have read the twitter fiction by Anna Bank. She only has the first part of her story out but it seems like it will be really good.
I have also read some of Taylor Peristy’s twitter fiction. I only got through about half the tweets but the part I did read was really good! I will defiantly go back to read more.

eli said...

I have not yet read any twitter fiction but I managed to post half of my twitter fiction. I will now be able to read others twitter fiction

Unknown said...

Today I started reading Elliot Holt's story and I really liked it. She had an awesome idea of taking an advantage of the fact that she's using twitter to write and created a story in which you use some character's twitter feeds to solve a mistery.

I'm also reading Taylor Peristy's twitter fiction, which is really good too !

I recommend both of them!

Unknown said...

I really like how Taylor's extended story is coming along, I can't believe how descriptive it is; definitely one of my favorites. Highly recommended!

VFitzpa said...

Sorry I've been away but I've been reading a few different twitter fictions and loved some of the ideas and stories that came to me from reading some of the tweets I felt a deep connection too