Welcome to Cre8tive Havoc

The Motherblog for the students in room 2B1 at Sturgeon Heights Collegiate.

Free Reading Fridays

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” -Lemony Snicket

A BYOD Classroom

All devices welcomed!

Newspaper Blackout Poetry

"Creativity through subtraction" -Austin Kleon.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Finishing Up Six Word Memoirs

It seems we are coming to the end of our work with "6 Word Memoirs", and that means that we need to finish polishing and editing, and publish them for the world to see! Exciting right? Ok here's what you need to know:

(1) You must select 6 of your "Six Word Memoirs" for publishing.

(2) E-mail each of your 6 "Six Word Memoirs" to the class Flickr account:

(3) Each of these 6 "Six Word Memoirs" must be posted as seperate entry, on your blog by  Tuesday,October 2nd .

(4) A "published" photo MUST HAVE a photgraphy credit either on the picture or as a caption underneath the photo. You've take the photo yourself, you must have a photo credit.

(5) Each photo "Six Word Memoir" must have a Writer's Note attached to it. The Writer's Note is your opportunity to explain your process for writing the six words, as wells as how you selected the photo and how it connects to the six words. Each writers note must be 100 words in length

See postings below for examples and inspiration:

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Editing Pictures and Adding Text

The best free site I have found  (so far) for editing pictures and adding text to them is www.picmonkey.com .

When editing your photos please make sure:

- The font colour and size you select is easy to read against the background of the image
- You add a photo credit/created by credit in the bottom right hand corner of your image
- Just to be safe, you e-mail your final edited picture to yourself and you save them on your folder on the net work.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Weekly Reading and Writing Reflection #3

Reading Reflection (250 words):
Use your post it notes to help you create a posting where you discuss your reading progress.

- Your reflection should be in full sentences/paragraphs, and focus on your questions, comments, predictions and text connections.

- Please don't retell the plot of your novel, instead react to it.

- Please pay special attention to your proofreading. I would suggest you type your reflection in a Word document, use it to edit, and then cut and copy it into your blog posting.

Next? Writing Reflection (200 words):
Reflect on the writing we did in class last week.

Six Word Memoirs:
- How did it go?
- Did you choose to stay in the classroom? Or go to solitary confinement? Why? How did it go?
- What do you think of this genre of writing? Pros? Cons?
- What did you learn about yourself as a writer/thinker?
- What was the hardest part? What was the most rewarding part?

- How's it going? What is the hardest part? What is the most rewarding part?
- Set yourself a blogging goal for the upcoming week. Discuss the goal and how you will achieve it.

Anything else you've discovered about yourself as a writer/thinker?

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Six Word Memoirs

The first writing style we will be focussing on is a microform called six word memoirs. For those of you who haven't heard of this writing phenomenon, here's a short video to explain:

Your writing assignment:
-Write 8 different six word memoirs. One for each of the eight categories: love, hate, growing up, my past, my future, me, family, and confession.
- Select your best SIX and create visuals (photos, drawings/doodles, collages) to accompany them.
- All visuals accompanying your Six Word Memoirs must by originals, created by you.
Due Date: TBA

Personal Additions

Your blog and  WRN should be an extension of you and reflect your personality in a professional manner.  The best way to accomplish is through personal additions!

Personal additions are your chance to include items you find inspiring, interesting, and/or worth commenting on into your blog and WRN. Items that could be considered personal additions include (but are not limited to):
·      Poems/Song Lyrics
·      A list of confession
·      A list of inspirational quotes
·      “I know for sure that . . .”
·      A sketch of a character/scene from your novel
·      Consider “big questions”
·      To you, what is love?
·      What would be your priority if you wanted to repair the world.
·      What would you like to never end?
·      Write a letter to your future self.
·      Rant
·      Comment on an interesting article in the newspaper, or a magazine.
·      React to a piece of art/music.  .  .
·      Post- movie reflection
(1) Give credit where credit is due! Always credit the creator and/or original source of the item. If it is an item you found on the Internet, always add the URL of the original source, and give the name of the person who created/wrote the item. If you wrote/created it, then give yourself props! Remember, claiming someone else's work as your own is considered plagiarism!
URL Shortener:

(2)Cut, paste and think.  Don’t leave your addition on its own; add your own commentary to the item. If you just cut and paste, the item seems random and unconnected to your blog/WRN as a whole.


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Updating Your Blog

Now that we've made blogs, it's time we start filling them with content! 

(1)The first thing we posted was an introductory post or our rambling autobiography.

(2)Next type and post your Reading Reflection #2:
- Please pay special attention to your proofreading. I would suggest you type your reflection in a Word document, use it to edit, and then cut and copy it into your blog posting.
- Remember to start your post with:

Reading Reflection #2

Book: Lone Wolf
Author: Jodi Picoult
Pages Read: 35-74
(3)Third, take a picture of your Digital Footprint and post it on your blog with a short paragraph discussing the content of your doodle.


Reading Reflection #2

It's that time of the week again!

 Reading Reflection (350 words):
Use your post it notes to help you create a posting where you discuss your reading progress.

- Your reflection should be in full sentences/paragraphs, and focus on your questions, comments, predictions and text connections.
- Please don't retell the plot of your novel, instead react to it.
- Dont' Forget to share your questions, comments, predictions and text connections.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Digital Footprint Doodle

Although this is a Creative Writing class, sometimes I think of it as a Creative Ways of Writing class. It is with that in mind that I introduce Sunni Brown and her passion for doodling.

In today's class what we are going to think and doodle about is the concept of our digital footprint. According to Wikipedia a digital footprint is;
  • A trail left by an entity's interactions in a digital environment; including their usage of TV, mobile phone, Internet and world wide web, mobile web and other devices and sensors. Digital footprints provide data on what an entity has performed in the digital environment; and are valuable in assisting behavioural targeting, personalisation, targeted marketing, digital reputation, and other social media or social graphing services.
  • In social media, a digital footprint is the size of an individuals online presence; as it relates to the number of individuals they interact with.
  • A collection of activities and behaviours recorded when an entity (such as a person) interacts in a digital environment. It may include the recording of activities such as system login and logouts, visits to a web-page, accessed or created files, or emails and chat messages. The digital footprint allows interested parties to access this data; possibly for data mining, or profiling purposes.
So here is your writing mission-
1. Doodle about your digital footprint! Things to doodle about:
  • Your doodle interpretation of the Wikipedia definition above
  • Doodle what your digital footprint looks like. How deep is it your footprint? What is in it? Is it "muddy"?
  • Doodle about how can you use your digital footprint as springboard to your future endeavours?
  • Doodle about anything else that comes to mind when thinking about your digital footprint

Monday, 10 September 2012

Welcome to Creative (Ways of) Writing!

Hello and welcome to Cre8tive Havoc, the "mother blog" for our class's adventure into blogging! This will be a common space for all students taking Creative Writing this year, so don't be suprised if you see some new names and faces here. This mother blog will be a place where various assignments and resources will be posted. My hope is that you will be checking is here on a regular basis while also maintaining your own blog, and visiting the blogs of your fellow classmates

Reading Reflection #1

Welcome to your First (of many) Reading Reflections!

For the sake of organising your future blogs, I just want to  discuss some formatting details for your weekly Reading Reflection (350 words). Please title your assignment with "Reading Reflection #___" and then use the first three lines  to give info about the name of the book, author, and pages you've read this week in class. So for example your Reading Reflection assignment should look something like this:

Reading Reflection #1

Book: Lone Wolf
Author: Jodi Picoult
Pages Read: 1-35

Also,when it comes to the content of your Reading Reflection, remember to avoid retelling plot.

Instead try to use the reading strategies that we've been studying this semester. Write about your:
-General observations about writing style

** For this week you can also discuss how the act of reading felt;  Did the hour of reading on Friday just zip by? Or did you find your mind wandering?  How was using post it notes? How many did you use in the hour of reading? How could they potentially be useful?

Wondering what this assignment should look like? Check out these ones, written by former students!
